Fastest API integration, lowest cost on the market – by far.
Start for free.
Add premium icons to your portfolio with the Flat Icons API. Super-easy to switch and integrate. Start free, scale as you grow.
Our API gives your users the icon quality they deserve.Happy users spread the word about your tool.
We don’t skimp on anything. We deliver 52,000 unique assets (no duplicates), each one in at least 4 formats. You’ll get 2D icons, 3D illustrations, and animations. Click to get a quick taste.
You’re partnering up with a genuine design company, not a marketplace. Everything we offer is proudly made by us. This is how we can promise consistency and pixel-perfect quality.
Your portfolio grows with us. Each month we update our database with fresh assets that your users can access instantly.
Need something we don’t have? Just say the word, and we’ll make it for you.
Our API supports your workflow. Integration is seamless, and fast servers ensure uninterrupted work for your users.
With our smart API dashboard, you can track and control your API requests 24/7.
1 2D icon = 1 request
1 3D illustration = 1 request
1 animation = 1 request
1 2D icon = 1 request
1 3D illustration = 1 request
1 animation = 1 request
1 2D icon = 1 request
1 3D illustration = 1 request
1 animation = 1 request
You ask, we listen. If you have questions, need help setting things up, or wish to book a demo, please get in touch.